to MPS's 30% Property Tax Increase 

On April 2nd, Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) is proposing a drastic 30% property tax hike.

This translates to more than $400 more per year in property taxes for homeowners, which will be passed down to renters in the form of increased monthly rent.

This tax increase is permanent – it will put a never-ending strain on households when costs are already sky-high.

What’s more - MPS hasn’t articulated a clear plan for how these funds will be used.

They’re asking for more money to fund an unacceptable status quo:

9 in 10 MPS students are not performing on grade level in reading and math

MPS enrollment is down 30% from its peak, yet MPS operates the same number of schools

Despite receiving an influx of funding - more than $1.2 BILLION in total - since 2020 the district’s budget deficit is exploding by tens of millions of dollars each year

At a time when Milwaukee's academic crisis persists and financial pressures weigh heavily on families citywide, we must demand a plan from Milwaukee leaders- not just a new tax for MPS.

Your Vote Counts!

Every Milwaukee voter has a stake in this referendum's outcome. 

We can’t afford to sit on the sidelines – make your voice heard.

Vote NO to 30% on April 2nd!